My window to the world:


I had a nice chat this Friday morning with Paul after the spin class. I told him that he is one of those inspiring people I have around, from whom, I would like to learn more and...

As we chatted he revealed me something interesting, he said that he was missing my weekly post on Facebook, where I was writing about the Train For Life classes and how people and myself were getting on.

I was puzzled, as the main reason why I went quiet is that I like to say "relevant" things and try to engage people with "interesting" subjects and lately I was focused on learning new stuffs related to fitness and nutrition.

Writing posts became secondary...


But, I was remembered that to praise people, and to lead by example is important!


Thanks to Paul's input, I will on weekly basis write about our community, sharing stories, trainings sessions, impressions and thoughts...

Read more on:


The Train For Life community has several objectives, one of them is to connect like minded people.

On Wednesday the 13th of July, 8 of us, Paul, Hajj Amal, Gurvinder, Neil, James, Daniel, Luke (gym members, clients and all members of the Train For Life Community) and Myself met up for a dinner and a catch up.

It was one of the best event of the year, I have never been a fan of going out to drink as I don't drink, but I always thought that spending time with fellow training partners was something to be done.

We had a memorable time, not everyone of us knew each other but people blended with no effort. After the evening I spoke to the guys and we all thought that it was a successful evening and had to be repeated.


What is the take?


You will get along with people who share a "common" passion with you.

We guys are bond by fitness, but we all like to EAT AND RELAX, what a better way to get to know people than around a table eating chicken!

Believe it or not 6/8 has a whole chicken for dinner!

By the way on the 21st of August, the Train For Life community is invited to a BBQ, families and friends are welcome! 

Sharing, driving, inspiring our MISSION! 

Sharing, driving, inspiring our MISSION!