The 5 core values of Train For Life

1 Fitness is important in all our lives, regardless of age and ability:

There is no right age to start exercising, fitness is important in our daily lives in order to improve our quality of life. We might train for health reasons, to compete or to make friends. Any reasons is valid, what is important is to train. Sooner or later, we realise that we train because we love it.

2 We respect fitness guidelines and always train with good form:

If your training is good you will get good results. A balanced training regime consists of resistance training, cardio training, balance work, core work and flexibility training. The most important thing is that all exercises are performed with good form and at the right intensity, this maximises results and reduces the chances of injuries.

3 Be natural:

All the nutrients and energy our bodies need can be found in good quality, fresh, unprocessed foods. If we eat a wide variety of natural good quality foods then supplements shouldn't be necessary. If supplements, such as whey protein, are to be considered they should be assessed carefully in terms of quality and origin and their use kept to a minimum.

4 Be proud of what you can achieve:

Cheating in all its forms is a weakness, be proud of everything you can achieve through your natural abilities and determination. You will make us all proud. If you are competing train as hard as you can, give everything and you will have no regrets.

5 Praise others and be part of a supportive community.

We all have our own reasons to train and we should recognise and acknowledge when somebody is training as hard as she or he can. Regardless of your age or fitness levels, if you are committed to your training and give everything you have in every session, you can inspire those around you.

In the Train For Life community we encourage competition as we look to others to inspire and push us beyond our limits. We acknowledge and praise those who are ahead of us, then we train harder to surpass them.

Be proud of the place you train in, respect the material you use and the people around you.